Student Life

St. Maurice School from its inception has held academic excellence as an important defining characteristic. In order to excel at our school, students are required to develop a very strong work ethic. A structured and supportive learning environment permits our highly skilled teachers to deliver challenging content and it allows students to reach their potential.
Our academic program in the high school allows students to pursue their area of interest. Many of our students are “Tri-Sci Kids” who elect to enroll in all the science courses (chemistry, physics, and biology). Others are focused on a career in business and focus on the courses offered by our Business Education Program. Still others will enroll in an eclectic mix of courses including the option of Advanced Placement courses in English Literature, Calculus or Computer Science. A full 95% of our graduates continue on to post-secondary studies. Whatever their course of study, our students come back from their studies and tell us consistently the same message: “We were prepared!”
To view the student handbook, course information and other school documents please click here.
Spiritual Life

Along with academic excellence, a strong faith life has been a defining characteristic of our school from the beginning. Faith is interwoven in each school day. Morning announcements end with a prayer read by one of our students. Before lunch time dismissal a communal grace is said in each classroom and at the end of the day before dismissal there is a communal prayer in each classroom.
Learning the Faith
In every grade level all students at St. Maurice have a religion course as part of their academic programming. From Kindergarten to grade 6 the Sadlier textbook series “We Believe” provides students with the opportunity to learn the faith’s beliefs, practices and principals. In grades 7-12, students continue to learn the faith with an increased emphasis on putting their faith into practice. The grade 11 religion program includes an examination of the world’s major religions.
Living the Faith
From an early age students learn and participate in the school’s various social justice projects. Students in grade 7-12 take an increasingly active role in these projects through the junior high and high school Social Justice Committees. Our Christian Service Program in grades 7-12 permits our students to gain valuable experience and understand as they volunteer their services at various institutions around the city.
Celebrating the Faith
Every month students have the opportunity to celebrate school Mass at St. Vital Parish and twice a year, each grade celebrates a grade Mass. Also twice a year, every student has an opportunity to participate in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
School Clubs

Basketball : Grade 6
Chess Club : Grades 4-6
Elementary Choir : Grades 4-6
Cross Country Running : Grades 4-6
Halloween Hunt N Hustle : K - Grade 6
Jump Rope for Heart (every second year) : K - Grade 6
Mad Science : K - Grade 6
Math Club : Grades 1-7
Mini Volleyball : Grades 5-6
Speed Stacking Club : Grades 4-6
Track and Field (indoor and outdoor) : Grades 4-6
Winter Olympics : K - Grade 4
The existence of sports teams and extra-curricular clubs and activities in any given school year will depend upon student interest, staff availability, resources and material requirements. These listings are representative of the clubs typical of a school year at St. Maurice.
Leadership Group : Grades 7-8
Camp Arnes (outdoor education trip) : Grades 7-8
Social Justice Committee : Grades 9-12
Sports Banquet : Grades 7-12
Debating and Public Speaking : Grades 7-9 & 12
DECA Business Club : Grades 9-12
Drama Club : Grades 9-12
Europe Trip (every second year) : Grades 9-12
Graduation Committee : Grade 12
Missionaries of Charity Volunteering : Grades 9-12
Ski Trip (overnight) : Grades 11-12
Student Council : Grades 9-12
Teacher-Student Golf Tournament : Grades 9-12
Yearbook Club : Grades 9-12
K - 6
7 - 12
7:00 Before School Program begins
8:30 All school doors open. Only students registered in the Before School Program may enter the school before 8:30 am
8:35 K-6 agenda check, submission of notes, class business, etc.
8:45 Home room: O Canada, announcements, prayer, class begins
10:15 4-6 morning recess begins
10:30 4-6 morning recess ends; K-3 morning recess begins
10:45 K-3 morning recess ends
11:45 K-3 lunch begins 4-6 recess begins
12:15 K-3 lunch ends / recess begins;
4-6 recess ends / lunch begins
12:40 K-3 recess ends 4-6 lunch ends
12:45 1-6 classes resume
2:00 K-3 afternoon recess begins
2:15 K-3 afternoon recess ends; 4-6 afternoon recess begins
2:30 4-6 afternoon recess ends
3:15 K-6 classes end
3:20 Parking lot supervision begins. Students are expected to wait for their ride within the fenced off area of the parking lot.
3:45 All students are to have left the school building by 3:45 pm unless they are participating in a specific, adult supervised school event. Parking lot supervision ends.
6:00 After School Program ends
A typical school day begins at 8:45 am and ends at 3:40pm. There are seven class periods and one lunch period every day (one being lunch).
7:30 Doors open and junior high and high school study hall open
8:45: Homeroom Morning Routine (O Canada, announcements and prayer)
9:05-9:50 Period 1
9:55-10:40 Period 2
10:45-11:30 Period 3
11:55-12:20 Period 4 (Lunch for grades 9-12)
12:25-1:10 Period 5 (Lunch for grades 7-8)
1:15-2:00 Period 6
2:05-2:50 Period 7
2:55-3:40 Period 8
3:40 7-12 classes end
3:45 – 5:00 Student support (until 4:45) and after school study hall