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News from the Stacks


Hello all and happy March!

We enjoyed a very successful I Love to Read Month in February! Our theme this year was “One World, Many Stories”.

More than 100 books were processed into the library in the weeks leading up to February so the students would have some brand-new choices to read.

All K-6 students received an “I Love to Read” wristband as a gift from the library.

Throughout the month, students in K-6 had the opportunity to take part in a “Book Bingo” reading challenge – with three difficulty levels to accommodate the different grades. All students completing the challenge as best they could received a colour-change pencil of their choice.

As well, a “Rate a Book” contest – again with different difficulty levels – was run throughout the month. Each book review returned became a ballot for one chance to win a free book from the library.

The K-3 special activity for the month was to help write a SMS version of the popular book The Book with No Pictures by B. J. Novak. We named this new version OUR Book with No Pictures. The students loved making up silly words like “Jiggaty Diggaty” and “Zibb Zabb Zebra Zilla”!

On February 24, the grade 4-6 students enjoyed a virtual visit with Canadian author Kevin Sylvester. Over Zoom, he read from some of his books and gave everyone a demonstration on how to create simple cartoons and illustrations. The students all received a gift from the school – the first book in the series “Hockey Super Six” by Kevin Sylvester about regular students like them who receive superhero powers.

Other various special days and activities also occurred during the month:

  • February 2 was Multicultural Dress Up Day and it was wonderful to see so many students dress in their cultural clothing

  • On February 3, we celebrated National Read Aloud Day with a short poem read over the P.A. system during morning announcements as well as a special read-aloud time via loudspeakers in the playground after morning recess. K-3 students lined up in physically-distanced rows to hear stories and listen to music. Guest readers included Mr. Beaudry, Mrs. Grieve, and Mrs. D.

  • We dressed as various Biblical characters and animals on February 9, during Catholic Schools Week.

  • February 11, we also got to wear casual pink and red clothing.

  • “I Read Canadian Day” was celebrated with a short story by Canadian author Andrea Lynn Beck over the morning announcements on February 17.

  • Every Thursday and Friday afternoon in February we had guest readers visit our classrooms virtually.

  • Three out of the four weeks of the month saw new packages of shared activities delivered to K-6 classes based on different themes: fun stories one week, Canadian authors the next, and multiculturalism and celebrating differences the other.

Special thanks to Mr. Doiron, Mr. Beaudry, Mrs. Grieve, all the K-6 teachers, and of course the students who helped make this month a wonderful celebration of reading!

Remember that just because I Love to Read Month is over, doesn’t mean the reading has to stop. We can enjoy books every month of the year!

Happy reading!

Mrs. Cheryl Doiron, Librarian


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